Our Services


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Unit No: 3470
DMCC Business Centre
Level No 1 Jewellery & Gemplex 3, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Email: info@projectplusolutions.com

Includes firms specialized in providing consultancies and studies on transport as regarding the means for smooth traffic flow, the effect of big projects on traffic, trffic lights timing control, advising on alternative streets and wayouts at events times (exhibitons, competitions), fix the crossings and exits for the services streets.


Facilities included

  • Assisting senior consultants in every projects
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
  • Support sales for smaller-value transactions
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
  • Assisting senior consultants in every projects
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
  • Support sales for smaller-value transactions
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
  • Assisting senior consultants in every projects
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
  • Support sales for smaller-value transactions
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
Out cases

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