Our Services


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Unit No: 3470
DMCC Business Centre
Level No 1 Jewellery & Gemplex 3, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Email: info@projectplusolutions.com

Project management services encompass a range of activities designed to plan, execute, and oversee projects to ensure they meet defined goals, deadlines, and budgets. These services are crucial for organizations aiming to achieve specific objectives efficiently and effectively.

  • 1
    Project Planning: Defining the project scope, objectives, deliverables, and creating a detailed project plan including timelines, resources, and budget estimates.
  • 2
    Resource Management: Allocating and managing human, financial, and material resources required for the project. This includes staffing, procurement, and equipment management.
  • 3
    Risk Management: Identifying potential risks, assessing their impact, and developing mitigation strategies to minimize project disruptions.
  • 4
    Quality Management: Ensuring that project deliverables meet the required standards and specifications through continuous monitoring and quality control processes.
  • 5
    Communication Management: Establishing effective communication channels among stakeholders, team members, and clients to ensure transparency and collaborative problem-solving.
  • 6
    Time Management: Creating and maintaining project schedules, tracking progress, and ensuring that deadlines are met.
  • 7
    Cost Management: Monitoring project expenses to keep within the budget, managing financial resources, and controlling costs through efficient procurement and spending practices.
  • 8
    Performance Monitoring: Using tools and techniques to track project performance, measure progress, and make necessary adjustments to stay on course.
  • 9
    Project Closure: Finalizing all project activities, delivering the final product to the client, obtaining feedback, and documenting lessons learned for future projects.


  1. Improved project efficiency and effectiveness
  2. Better resource utilization
  3. Enhanced risk management
  4. Higher quality deliverables
  5. Increased stakeholder satisfaction
  6. Cost savings through better budget management

Project management services are essential for organizations looking to complete projects successfully, on time, and within budget, ultimately driving growth and achieving strategic goals.


Facilities included

  • Assisting senior consultants in every projects
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
  • Support sales for smaller-value transactions
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
  • Assisting senior consultants in every projects
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
  • Support sales for smaller-value transactions
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
  • Assisting senior consultants in every projects
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
  • Support sales for smaller-value transactions
  • Share best practices and knowledge.
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